
Attendance Matters!

What are our strategies for excellent attendance?

Leadership & Management

  • Mrs Astin is our Attendance Lead in school
  • The Admin team support with the day to day attendance and promotion of punctuality
  • All staff in school are aware of their role in supporting pupils in having high expectations of attendance and punctuality

Relationships & Communication

  • We build trusting relationships between parents/carers, pupils and families to encourage engagement with school
  • We prioritise children and families first and offer pastoral support, where and when needed, to support pupils to attend school, on time, every day
  • We communicate openly and honestly with staff, pupils and families about the expectations of attendance and punctuality
  • We reward children and families of 100% attenders
  • We reward children and families of children who have met attendance targets having improved their attendance
  • We liaise with outside agencies, when needed, to work with pupils and families to support attendance
  • We provide regular reports to parents/carers sharing their child’s attendance and the school’s attendance

Systems & Data

  • We closely track and monitor the attendance and punctuality of pupils to provide an accurate picture of attendance and create actions for target children, families or groups
  • We provide regular reports and strategies to staff to support them to track the attendance of their target children
  • We work alongside the Carlinghow Safeguarding team to share attendance feedback about our most vulnerable pupils


  • We monitor and analyse data regularly to ensure early interventions
  • We use attendance, pastoral and SEND staff to identify and overcome barriers to attendance
  • We create action plans in partnership with families and other agencies
  • We follow local authority codes of conduct, policies and procedures

How do we communicate?

We communicate regularly with parents, carers and pupils about the importance of good attendance.


  • Termly attendance letter and session summary sent to parents or carers for all children
  • Letters, phone calls and attendance meetings if attendance or punctuality is a concern
  • Sharing of Statutory Attendance frameworks


  • Celebration of class attendance shared in weekly Celebration Assembly
  • Weekly certificate and trophy given to highest scoring class 
  • End of term well done certificates for children with good attendance
  • End of year reward for children with 100%