Welcome to Carlinghow Academy

Mrs M Fishwick
I would like to welcome you to Carlinghow Academy and hope that you find our website interesting and full of all the information you want and need to know about our school. Choosing the right school for your child is really important and I hope that you will be excited about what you read and see about our school and will want your child to be part of our school community.
Following a period of turbulence Carlinghow Academy (formally Carlinghow Princess Royal Junior, Infant and Nursery School) joined the Great Heights Trust in April 2020. The Trust immediately appointed a strong and experienced leadership team, with a proven track record for school improvement. The combination of this strong Senior Leadership Team, the excellent support from The Great Heights Trust which includes an English Hub and Research School meant that Carlinghow has been able to secure the rapid improvements needed.
I firmly believe in the importance and value of education and that every child has the right to access an education of excellence. At Carlinghow Academy we have high expectations and a relentless focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning to ensure each and every child is able to maximise their potential and have their life chances significantly enhanced.
In order for your child to succeed I will ensure the needs of the whole child are met and will work to support both your child/children and you as their families. I will ensure that children feel safe in an environment where they can not only succeed academically but have the opportunities to develop confidence and resilience through both the curriculum and extra curricula activities including, a range of sports, art mediums, music, dance and drama.
As a school we are developing outstanding practices that underpin the ability to deliver the very best educational outcomes for children so that every child in school can receive the education they deserve. Carlinghow Academy is an inclusive school and we work hard to ensure that all pupils can have their needs met though individualised packages of support and a culture of inclusive practice.
The school’s behaviour policy focuses on positive behaviour management with our ‘Good to be Green’ strategy with a fair and consistent approach to sanctions when required. Our enriched and engaging curriculum promotes good behaviours for learning as children are interested and excited by their learning opportunities.
I firmly believe that in order to provide the best outcomes for children, education must be seen as a team effort between the teachers, the school as a whole, the parent and the child, and therefore I extend a warm welcome to you and your families and look forward to securing a happy and successful working partnership. Attending school is at the heart of allowing children to succeed and we work closely with families to ensure their child attends school regularly; our home learning offer also ensures children who are absent from school, have the chance to continue learning even on those days when they are not in school.
Carlinghow Academy is a safe, warm, welcoming and inclusive school where all stakeholders have the children’s best interest at heart.
The children at Carlinghow Academy are amazing! They have shown resilience through change and have always put 100% into everything they do. They are well mannered, caring , inclusive and have a real love of learning.
As Principal, I am immensely proud of this school and hope that the website gives you an insight into all of the work that we do.
If there is anything that you are not sure about or you have any questions that our website doesn’t answer, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will try to answer your query.
If you are considering applying for a place at this school for your child, you are welcome to come and visit us. Please contact the school office to arrange a time to come and see our school in action.
Carlinghow Academy’s
Mission Statement: